Lodaer Img



Physical inactivity is the second greatest contributor (behind smoking) to the cancer burden in Australia. Sedentary lifestyles also increase the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, as well as many common musculoskeletal conditions such as back/neck pain and osteoarthritis.

A big (and often unrecognised) contributor to physical inactivity levels is the percentage of Australians who get paid to sit down for 40+ hours each week. Many people with desk jobs simply are not active enough day to day because of the nature of their work, and do not have strategies in place to change their habits.


The Australian National Physical Activity Guidelines state that all Australian adults should:

*Minimise the amount of time spent in prolonged sitting.

*Break up long periods of sitting as often as possible.


So if we get paid to sit at a desk, how do we change this? Here are some simple strategies:

*Have a small glass of water on your desk, and get up to fill it every time it is empty.

*Set a vibrating alarm every 30 minutes to remind yourself to stand up.

*Visit colleagues in the office with a message rather than sending an email.

*Park 500 metres away from work and walk to the office from there.

*Put a sticky note on your computer screen reminding yourself to move.

*Use a standing desk!


There are many opportunities to sit in our daily lives. The key is to find opportunities to move…


Chris Bryceson

B. Health Sciences (Physio), APAM

CB Physiotherapy