Lodaer Img


The most important thing for managing your back pain…


A far too common story we hear from new clients coming in to the clinic is: 

The client has hurt their back or felt a bit of new pain. They then become scared of movement and exercise due to a fear of hurting themselves more or increasing their pain. As a result, they choose to sit or lie down in one spot and not move for an extended period of time.

Unfortunately back pain is associated with chronic pain and disability, which creates fear and unhelpful beliefs in the community. However the fact of the matter is, the vast majority of back injuries will get better in days or weeks, and the back is a strong and sturdy structure of our bodies that we can and need to trust!

Inactivity will only keep muscles and joints tight, and delay recovery time.

So if you have a sore back…. Avoid extended periods of sitting or lying down. Get up, walk, move around and stay active!

Chris Bryceson

B. Health Sciences (Physio), APAM

CB Physiotherapy