Lodaer Img



We have previously posted about the prevalence of pathology such as disc bulges appearing on MRIs in those without back pain. Well this trend is not limited to the lower back.

One study used ultrasound imaging to assess 51 people WITHOUT shoulder pain (between 40-70 years of age) and found a staggering 96% had abnormalities! (Girish, et al., 2011)

These abnormalities included bursitis (most common), AC joint osteoarthritis, rotator cuff tendinopathy, and labral tears…. All of which were present in people who experience NO PAIN!

If you looked at a still photograph of a telephone, could you tell if it is ringing? No. Well the same goes with these abnormalities found on scans. We cannot tell if that abnormality is ringing (causing pain) or quiet (non painful). 

Imaging reports always need to be interpreted with caution, and in the context of the individual’s condition! This is why a thorough objective assessment is still vitally important even if you’ve had a scan.

Chris Bryceson

B. Health Sciences (Physio), APAM

CB Physiotherapy