Low back pain affects 80% of the population at some stage in their lives, and most will recover from an episode of back pain within 4-6 weeks. However there is a small percentage of people who will go on to suffer chronic low back pain, which can occasionally lead to severe disability.
So what are the risk factors for developing chronic low back pain?
*Resting in bed for 2 days or more.
*Co-existing depression and anxiety.
*Fear avoidance behaviours (those who avoid normal daily activities due to fear of doing harm or further injury).
*Reduced back muscle endurance (as tested by a physiotherapist).
*Loss of hip mobility (specifically having less than 20 degrees of hip internal rotation, or as asymmetry in side to side hip rotation).
Moral of the story? The majority of cases of lower back pain are not due to a serious pathology, and will get better! Ensure you stay positive, stay active, address any physical contributing factors (as advised by a health professional), and definitely do not rest in bed!
Chris Bryceson
B. Health Sciences (Physio), APAM
CB Physiotherapy