Lodaer Img



Foam rollers are a fantastic tool for self-massage, and self-management of muscle tightness, injuries, and general aches and pains. However a lot of people are using them in the wrong way for the wrong reasons…

The common belief is that foam rollers (as well as other similar tools like spikey balls and bakballs) work to physically lengthen muscles by breaking down adhesions, scar tissue and “knots”. 

However foam rollers and self-massage tools are actually working to desensitize the central nervous system, and create a neural input to decrease muscle tone, which in turn improves mobility and function, and reduces pain.

The reason why your tissues are being held “tight” is always the central nervous system, and a MODERATE pressure is enough to stimulate change in your nervous system, and to allow your muscles to relax. 

You can get a far better result from your self-massage techniques by applying a moderate pressure (causing only mild discomfort) for a few minutes rather than rolling your muscles out as hard as you can (causing a heap of pain!) over and over again. 

Back off on the pressure when rolling your muscles, and consider what your self-massage is actually trying to achieve. 

Chris Bryceson

B. Health Sciences (Physio), APAM

CB Physiotherapy