Only a small percentage of back pain due is to a physical injury, and often the term “back injury” is used inappropriately.
If someone has a headache, would we assume this is due to a head injury? Or would we say it is simply a headache, that may be due to factors such as stress, fatigue, illness etc.
Back pain should be viewed in this same fashion.
An ankle sprain is a perfect example of an “injury”. There is a distinct mechanism of injury causing tissue damage, and the diagnosis is confirmed via clinical examination, and possibly imaging. Rarely do people presenting with back pain fit this same picture.
Back pain is multifactorial, and goes well beyond just tissue damage. Stress, mood, anxiety and sleep are just as important to consider, and are often more common triggers for back pain than structural issues or “injury”.
Chris Bryceson
Health Sciences (Physio), APAM
CB Physiotherapy